Monday, March 16, 2015

Bringing out the White Jeans

 Patch Pocket Sweater (yes, another one!) J. Crew || White Jeans Michael Kors || Abby Flats Banana Republic (the only flats you will never need to "break in" + they're on sale!) || Alex & Ani bracelets I seriously want this starfish one! || Ralph Lauren glasses


I've been begging Kendall to let me pull out the white jeans for.. let's see.. weeks now.  I love them.  I wanted to wear them in the dead of winter.  (Confession: I might have.  Oops!)  There's something about them that is just so nice.  They go from casual to dressed-up-enough so easily.

Today it's supposed to get up to the low 70's (eek!!!), but then jump back down to the 40s by Wednesday and Thursday, so I'm going to enjoy the sun while it lasts!

On Friday some friends and I are heading to the beach to enjoy our last spring break before we graduate college.  I'm graduating college how did that happen? Can we make it stop?

Hope you guys enjoyed the weekend! Any spring breakers with fun plans on the horizon?


  1. Southwestern PrepsterMarch 17, 2015 at 10:59 AM

    Yees, love your pocket patch sweater! Oh my goodness, you'll be graduating college? That is awesome, congratulations!!
    xx, Mikkaela

  2. aww...graduating college! what a milestone! Congratulations! Welcome to the "real world" as they call it. =)

    love the white jeans, too. I think they're so refreshing! I still need to find a pair I like!


  3. I TOTALLY wear my white jeans in the winter!! Style rules are more of just "guidelines" anyway. Who needs them. And congrats on graduating! I promise the real world isn't as scary as it sounds. It's basically just like college, but you have a paycheck, so it's almost better!!
