Monday, April 6, 2015

Springside in Seaside

Pardon My Trench (love the clever name!) Colombia || my life staple: black and white striped tee! Bought from TJ Maxx, but here's some similars to get you going: don't we all just love 6pm?! || my favorite cuffed denim shorts, by Banana Republic, are old, but I have a feeling I'll love these just as much - Boyfriend Denim Shorts Gap (the extra 1/2 inch makes a big difference when it comes to 3 inch shorts! Always going for the three and a half!)

Friday, April 3, 2015

Anchored to Spring (But really Spring Break)

Hello world. Kendall here on my last day of break (*crying emoji*).  This break has flown by and I've been so busy that I haven't captured any of my outfits until today.  Scratch that.  I have not gotten out of leggings and a tee shirt all week.  I figured no one would want to see that.  This past week I have gone hiking, to a macaron bar, many trips to Starbucks for iced coffee, and painted/repainted my nails in boredom.
The best macaroons ever.  Raspberry was literally amazing. Tears because now I want more.